Living Tribute to 9-11 Victims

(I originally published this blog post on 9-12-2009, and thought it'd be appropriate to share it again today.)
This past Friday was 9-11. I'm sure that many of you reflected on the events of 2001 that day. One of the things it has re-affirmed for me is to celebrate life and to focus on the living. The Remember-Me Rose Garden project does that by creating living tributes to those who lost their lives that day. Pictured here is the 'Patriot Dream' rose, one of a collection of 11 new rose varieties commemorating the heroes of that day. It was planted at LaSalle-Backus Education Campus in NW Washington DC (near Ft Totten) at a ceremony attended by educators, city officials, and the press as well as friends and family of loved ones on Flight 77. I have posted a series of photos from the rose planting ceremony at LaSalle at the Washington Gardener Magazine Facebook page here.


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