Video Wednesday: Dreaming of a Hort Career?

Washington Gardener Magazine is happy to be a part once again of the annual GWU Landscape Design Career Fair. The next one is Saturday, January 21 at a new location in Arlington near the Ballston metro.

If you have ever thought of a career in horticulture, this is the event for you. Come talk with our exhibitors from 1-4 pm and then stay for our career panel from 4-5pm. Refreshments will be served. RSVP (preferred but not required) to

Even though this is titled a "landscape design career fair," it is certainly not limited to landscape designers and aspiring designers. My experience has been that it covers all aspects of horticultural and green jobs. The networking alone is worth spending your winter afternoon at it.

Don't blink and you'll see Washington Gardener Magazine's table at last year's career fair in this terrific video from GWU:


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