You Are Invited to the Garden Party at Behnke Nurseries

Join Washington Gardener Magazine for the

Garden Party at Behnke Nurseries ~ Beltsville

11300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705

(301) 937-1100

Saturday, June 9

9 am to 3:00 pm

Huge Raffle to benefit Friends of Brookside Gardens

Buy raffle tickets: 9:00 to 3:00

Raffle Winners Announced: 3:30

You do not have to be present to win!

Plant Swap

Submit plants: 9 to 11:00

Plant Swap takes place at 11:30

Garden Talks

Every half hour, starting at 10:00

at 12:30 Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine
will talk on Hot Plant Picks for 2012

Garden Clubs: 9 local clubs on hand

Meet, greet, talk gardening, join

Master Gardeners to Answer Your Questions

Plant Societies

Hosta, Begonia, African Violet, Orchid, Rose, Etc.


Jewelry, pottery, photography, bird houses, Washington Gardener Magazine, Sandy’s Plants, etc.

Behnke Door Prizes

Gift Certificates & Sale

Monte’s Famous BBQ + Fresh Produce from Millers Farms


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