My Fair Ribbon Tally

My fair entry ribbons. 2 firsts. Woo hoo #gardendc on Twitpic

Of my 30 entries, I won 10 ribbons, so 1-in-3 not too bad.
The awards were:

First Place - cosmos
First Place - coleus
Second Place - cosmos
Second Place - miniature cluster rose
Third Place - most unusual flower - I entered a sprig of Jewels of Opar
Third Place - coleus
Fourth Place - rose miniature single
Fifth Place - hydrangea - I entered Limelight
Fifth Place - carrots - I entered Little Finger
Fifth Place - potatoes other - I entered German Butterball

My usual winning entries are for Black-eyed Susans and Ornamental Sunflowers, both of which I failed to place in this year. I have a feeling my entrants were a bit too beat up by judging time. Plus, I'm sure I had stiff competition. Now to plan next year's entries. I've got my eye on that "vegetable resemblance" category -- perhaps a sweet potato will have a Nixon profile or an eggplant due will be Laurel & Hardy. We'll see what I can scout out in next season's garden plot...


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