Winter Jasmine: You CAN Grow That!

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) is in bloom now across the DC region. You will see them in the large concrete containers that line the National Mall (pictured here) and in front yards cascading over retaining walls and down steps all about the city. 

It is often mistaken for Forsythia, but there are several differences. First, stems are squarish, flexible, and deep green versus the Forsythia's round, brittle, and brown branches. Second, the blooms are a lighter yellow and in flower in early Winter, while Forsythia normally blooms in March here in the Mid-Atlantic US.

The plant itself is classified as a deciduous perennial, though most consider it a shrub and it can be treated as a vine as well.

It thrives in a variety of growing situations from full to part sun, from wet to dry soils. I have never had to water mine even in the hottest of summers.

 The weeping habit of Winter Jasmine is really quite lovely. Try a Winter Jasmine trained on an arbor or spilling over a wall. It also makes a good ground cover, especially on a slope or hillside. If planted in the ground, it can sucker and spread, but is easily pulled and potted up to share!

Garden Bloggers You Can Grow That! Day was started by C. L. Fornari of Whole Life Gardening because she believes: “Gardening is one of the most life-affirming things we can do.…We need to thoroughly saturate people with the belief that plants and gardening are worth doing because of the benefits gained.” Garden bloggers who agree post about something worth growing on the fourth day of every month. Read this month’s other You Can Grow That! posts.


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