Fenton Friday: Cool Weather Edibles

This week was spring break and my nieces visited for a few days. While here, we visited my garden plot at the Fenton Community Garden and planted 'Radish 'Cherry Belle' from Botanical Interests, Carrots 'Danvers Half-Long,' and an organic gourmet lettuce mix from UMD's Grow It Eat it program.

The weather this week has not been cooperative though. Several days of cold, constant winds and nights with below-freezing temps have made for a very slow start to spring. Last night we finally got some decent rain, though it was in the form of ice pellets at times.

This weekend, we are finally getting our promised warm-up and I plan to spend several hours in the community garden helping to weed the common areas and adding wood chips to the paths plus non-growing areas of my plot.


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