Fenton Friday: Cool Beans

This week at my community garden plot it rained every day, so aside from a bit of weeding and harvesting some lettuce and radishes, I have stayed mostly out of my plot.

One thing I did plant is the 'Royal Burgundy' Bush Bean from Seeds of Change. This photo is from the Seeds of Change web site. I hope they turn out to be so pretty! I planted them inside a square, purple trellis I had sitting unused at home. We shall see the results in about 55 days.

Meanwhile, I'm soaking Okra and Nasturtium seeds to plant over the weekend. Also, I have grafted tomatoes I'm waiting to go in once the soil warms up a bit. Finally, we are revamping the shared Herb/Cutting Garden area of the community garden. Lots to do between the May rains and many local garden events and plant sales.


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