A Passionate Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

It is the 15th of the month, which means Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day again. To view links to other garden bloggers' blooms around the world to see what it blooming in their gardens and to read their collective comments, go to http://www.maydreamsgardens.com/.

This month the garden seems alive with passionate hot pinks and reds. I'm not a big fan of red in the garden, but somehow it was found a niche in mine. Here is a small selection of what is blooming in my garden on the Washington, DC/Silver Spring, MD border -- solid USDA zone 7.

a trial plant from Terra Nova Nurseries, Inc. Echinacea 'Supreme Elegance'
Cityline Hydrangea 'Berlin'
Rose Campion (Lychnis coronaria)
Daylily 'Earlybird Cardinal'

So what is blooming in YOUR garden this month?


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