Fenton Friday: Flowers Galore!

I've been writing a blog post every Friday during the growing season about my garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden, and mast all of those have been focused on the edibles there. And, in truth, that is what I got the plot for -- full sun and a fully fenced area -- to be able to have a wide range of vegetables.

At my home garden (diagonally across the street from the community garden), I do have areas of full sun, but unfortunately those are on a public corner and when I had luck growing edibles there in the past they were inevitably stolen (whole watermelon!) or damaged by pests (who knew squirrels loved tomatoes?).

The plot, though, is not exclusively edibles, some ornamentals have crept in, just as a few edibles remain mixed in at my home garden and that is the way I like things -- a bit of a this and that and nothing too overly tidy.

Pictured here are several buckets of flowers I collected from my home garden and the Fenton plot to bring to a Flower Arranging Class I gave this week at a local apartment complex. From the garden plot come the zinnias, cosmos, and many kinds of herbs (which you can't really see in this angle). I'm a big believer in using fresh herbs in flower bouquets instead of sterile, greenhouse-grown florist greens. They make great filler and smell wonderful too!

What non-edibles are you growing in your garden plot?


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