Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'
This tender perennial salvia grows best in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has bright green foliage and brilliant blue flowers with black calyces. The iPhone photo above does not do it justice, it is a true-blue that really is striking in the late summer-early autumn garden.
Butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators love it.
Butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators love it.
Deer do not bother it.
Deadhead the spent flowers to encourage additional blooms. Otherwise, it is pretty low-maintenance.
It can survive here in the Mid-Atlantic if we have a mild winter, but if you think we will have a hard winter, cut it back and pot up several plants in the fall for overwintering in a sunny window.
Garden Bloggers You Can Grow That! Day was started by C. L. Fornari of Whole Life Gardening because she believes “Gardening is one of the most life-affirming things we can do.…We need to thoroughly saturate people with the belief that plants and gardening are worth doing because of the benefits gained.” Garden bloggers who agree post about something worth growing on the fourth day of every month. Read this month’s You Can Grow That! posts.
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