I was going to write a whole wrap-up, but one of our attendees, Terersa Speight who blogs at Cottage int he Court, already wrote up a marvelous recap. You can read it here:
Also, many attendees shared their photos from the event on Twitter and other social media using the hashtage #SeedSwapDay.
Here are a few shares: https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%23seedswapday
Don't miss the fantastic, hand-made origami seed packs!
I put up my own album of photos from yesterday at facebook.com/WashingtonGardenerMagazine -- included in that album is a gallery of folks who made their own name badges -- many used seed packets and seed-related materials. HOw creative!
Next Seed Exchange details>>
~ Saturday, Feb 1, 2014 from 12:30-4pm
Washington Gardener Seed Exchange - VA/DC - MidAtlantic
Green Spring Gardens, Alexandria, VA
Washington Gardener Magazine, the publication for DC- area gardening enthusiasts, is co-hosting the seventh annual Washington Seed Exchange at Green Spring Gardens. This event includes lectures, face-to-face seed swap, and more. You bring your extra seeds to swap with other gardeners. Everyone will leave with a bag full of seeds, new garden friends and expert planting advice. Fee includes lectures, goody bag and seed swap. Register by calling 703-642-5173 or in-person starting at 12noon.
Fee: $15/person $10 for Washington Gardener subscribers and Friends of Green Spring.
Fee: $15/person $10 for Washington Gardener subscribers and Friends of Green Spring.
For more information, contact Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine, 301-588-6894, WGardenermag@aol.com.
Event details at: http://washingtongardener.blogspot.com/2013/12/seed-exchanges-2014.html
Directions: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/greenspring/<<
Garden blogger Alison Gillespie attended last Saturday's swap and shared her recap here:
If you have a blog recap to share of your Seed Exchange experience, please let us know!
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