Fenton Friday: Baby Melons!

'Snow Leopard' honeydew melons

'Sugar Baby' watermelon
 I'm sooooooooooo excited about my teeny 'Sugar Baby' watermelon and my growing 'Snow Leopard' honeydew melons. I want to put bows on them and push them around in a little pram all about town. I expect everyone to coo over them and ask me their names. (If you must know -- Tyka, Lena, and Tigra.)

tiny cucumber just starting out
I also finally have baby cucumbers showing up, but they are not as coo-worthy due to their current prickliness. 

My tomatoes are in a bit of a green holding pattern. I attribute that to the oppressive 100+ degree days last week and this week.  

I would have dug up some of my potatoes this week, but no way was I going to risk passing out with over-exertion in this heat wave. (I have been known to do that once or twice.) Maybe next week and I can get over on a cooler morning.

Blossom-end Rot

In other exciting Fenton Community Garden news this week, we had a few Montgomery County Master Gardeners over for a Plant Diagnostic walk at our weekly "Happy Hour" gathering. They mostly answered questions about diseases and pest problems. We got to see a Cucumber beetle close up, the difference in male and female squash blossoms, flea beetle damage, and what blossom-end rot on a tomato looks like. I'll put up a full photo album from the walk this weekend at our Facebook page (facebook.com/washingtongardenermagazine).


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