Potato Plant with BIG Problem |
I cannot figure out what is wrong with some of my potato plants. They have some brown speckling on most of the foliage and a few of the plants have just totally collapsed. I looked up several diseases and photos, but just does not match what I see. I was warned that potatoes are a pain to grow, so I'm not surprised. I'm thinking I may dig up the ones where the top foliage is totally gone just to see if there ARE any potatoes in there and if they are edible at this point. For the plants still with foliage on, I've given them more water and a layer of worm compost and plus more fertilizer. We'll see how that goes.
Potato Plant not as Bad Off |
This week I picked more okra and ground cherries as well as a few tomatillos. The honeydew, watermelon, and cucumber vines are taking off though no visible fruit has set on any of them yet. My corn and pole beans are growing strong and tall. The tomato plants are all flowering, which I hope means I'll get some actual tomatoes in time for our annual Washington Gardener Magazine Tomato Taste in late August.
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