Fenton Friday: Harvest for the Hungry

I'm back from the Garden Writers Association meeting in Quebec and fear my Fenton Community Garden plot is woefully neglected at this point. I did manage to get over a few times this week and water plus pick the always prolific okra and a few tomatoes.

Several of us plot owners gathered as a group on Tuesday evening and harvested the excess from our plots to donate to the hungry at Shepherd's Table. Here is the list of what we gathered:
~ Beans 1 lb 3 oz
~ Garlic 3 oz
~ Okra 3 oz
~ Cantaloupe 3 lbs 8 oz
~ Eggplants 1 lb
~ Dill seed 3 oz
~ Carrots 9 lbs
~ Sweet Peppers 3 lbs
~ Hot Peppers 1 lb
~ Squash/Zucchini 3 lbs 9 oz
~ Tomatoes 20 lbs
~ Flowers (nonedible) that we are not counting in our weight total.

The food donation TOTAL in weight was 42.8 pounds! I think this is great for a first-time event and hope next year we get an even bigger turnout.


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