Fenton Friday: Okra and the Potato Thieves

okra flower
This week at my plot in the Fenton Street Community Garden the late-planted okra was finally ready for picking. That means from now on I will have to stay on top of it with daily garden visits, as once the okra gets past finger-sized, it is no good.

I also noticed that something dug into my German Butterball potato hill and pulled out a few. Three were left out with nibbles on them. I'm suspected a rodent, maybe a large bird. I should dig them all up now myself as the top foliage was all died back. This should give me an incentive to get on that task.

Also, I've decided in my next life to start a Southern rock cover band and it will be called "Okra and the Potato Thieves." I think we'll hand out fried treats between sets.

okra ready to be picked

German Butterball potatoes nibbled on by what?

Also, I write a monthly column for the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Voice newspaper (now only online.) This month's column is on the local community gardens, including Fenton where I grow, and the high demand for plot spaces. Check it out here: http://tpssvoice.com/2013/07/31/growing-space-in-high-demand-at-local-community-gardens/.


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