A DayTrip to Chanticleer and Nemours with Washington Gardener Magazine

Treat yourself to a daytrip on Wednesday, September 21, to Chanticleer and Nemours, two of the most beautiful gardens on the East Coast.

This tour is a partnership between Washington Gardener Magazine, Behnke Nurseries of Beltsville, MD, and Cheval’s Second Act Garden Tours. The partners will host four Mid-Atlantic region garden tours in 2011 and plan to expand to six tours in 2012. The trips all depart and return to the Behnke Nurseries location in Beltsville, MD.

See this flyer for full trip details and to register today. We expect an early sell-out so urge you to sign-up soon. Note that current Washington Gardener Magazine receive a discount of $5 off the fee.

Details and tour information on the other tour dates are posted at http://www.behnkes.com/, http://www.chevals2ndact.com/, and http://www.washingtongardener.com/.


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