Come join us for a morning of seminars to get you “Back to the Garden” after a long, hot summer. The seminars take place on Saturday, September 3, 10:00am to 1:00pm at the Behnke Nurseries in Beltsville, MD, and they are FREE.
The seminars are presented by Washington Gardener Magazine and Behnke Nurseries. This morning of free workshops to get gardeners back into the growing frame of mine and ready for the fall busy season. Attend one or two or stay for all. No need to RSVP.
•10:00am From The Ground Up—a Garden from a Bare Hillside with Jim Dronenburg, Washington Gardener Magazine Book Reviewer and author, garden columnist for Montgomery Life (InSight) magazine, one of Behnke Nurseries’ resident experts in season. Jim also manages the Four Seasons (DC Metro area) garden club.
•10:30am Edibles for the Fall Season with Elizabeth Olson, a Maryland Certified Professional Horticulturist and avid home gardener.
•11:00am Using Native Plants in Your Flower Bed with Cheval Force Opp, a garden writer, lecturer and tour guide.
•11:30am Getting Your Garden Ready for Winter with Kathy Jentz, editor and publisher, Washington Gardener Magazine.
•12:00noon Day Trips to Local Gardens with Cheval Force Opp and Kathy Jentz
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