Fenton Friday: Niece's Visit

My nieces, 8 and 10 years old, visited me this week and we went out daily to the Fenton Community Garden Plot to inspect for bugs and pick any ripe items. We harvested two cucumbers, a few yellow cherry tomatoes, one 'Red Star' tomato, some okra, a few ground cherries, and this honeydew melon (pictured at left).

We found bugs in abundance as this video shows and also insect eggs as shown in the photo below. We also found and squashed many cucumber beetles and a few stink bugs. I'm hoping the stink bugs are not after my corn and that I'll be able to harvest some to taste it. I'm hearing so many stink bug horror stories from local farmers that I'm seriously in dread of what they could do to our small. fledgling community garden.

insect eggs on squash


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