Buy Local Special: 10% off Washington Gardener Magazine This Week

Washington Gardener Magazine’s BUY LOCAL ~ SOCIAL MEDIA• SALE!
Get 10% off a year’s subscription by subscribing now and we’ll start you off with our new Summer issue!
Tell your local gardening friends!

•By local gardeners, for local gardeners.
Washington Gardener magazine is for you!

Our single issue cover price is $4.99. A year’s subscription (4 seasonal issues) is normally $20.00 — for a year full of inspiring garden articles, great tips, and secret tricks! BUY LOCAL SPECIAL: a 10% discount for our Twitter followers, Blog readers, Pinterest fans, and Facebook friends!

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• Send a check or money order for $18.00 payable to Washington Gardener Magazine along with this completed form today to:

     Washington Gardener, 826 Philadelphia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20910 

(Discount expires on 7/31/12.  Order must be postmarked on or before 8/1/12 to receive this discount.)

In support of Maryland's Buy Local campaign!


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